AJK President for highlighting Kashmir dispute at global level


ISLAMABAD, MAR 31 (DNA) — The President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry has urged the media and all political parties to play their role in highlighting the Kashmir dispute at the global level.

Mahmood Chaudhry was addressing the iftar-cum-dinner given by him in honour of the newly elected office-bearers of All Kashmir Newspapers Society (AKNS) at the Kashmir House in Islamabad the other day.

He said the Kashmir dispute has entered an important and critical juncture and the media should expose Modi’s nefarious intentions before the international community.

He said after the Indian illegal actions of August 5, 2019, Indian troops have been committing the worst kind of human rights violations in the occupied territory. Human rights violations are on the rise not only in occupied Kashmir but the minorities living in India are also facing ill-treatment. So in such a case India’s ugly face and Modi’s Hindutva policies need to be exposed to the world, he added.

The AKNS President, Amjad Chaudhry, also addressed the function and thanked the AJK President for supporting the organization. — DNA