ARMY CHIEF says democracy, Constitutionalism vital


COAS Address on PMA Passing Out Parade – 29 April 2023

“People of Pakistan are central to the unity of the state ” COAS

“First and the foremost is loyalty to the State of Pakistan and commitment to the Constitutional role assigned to Armed Forces of Pakistan” COAS

“To us, nothing is more sacred than the safety and security of our people and no duty is more binding than the defence of our motherland. Go out now, and deliver to the expectations of your nation” COAS

“The Army imbibes on the vision of our Great Quaid signifying no distinction of caste, color, creed, gender or geography” COAS

“Our efforts for peace should never be taken as a sign of weakness” COAS

“We have the will, capability and capacity to protect our sovereignty and territorial integrity and we are well aware of the ways and means to do it. I assure the people of Pakistan that we will never hesitate in rendering any and every sacrifice necessary for the defence of our sacred motherland” COAS

“Brave soldiers of Armed Forces of Pakistan don’t get fascinated with the numbers/ resources of their adversaries” COAS

“Armed Forces of Pakistan stand firm with their strong will and determination while fulfilling the promises of Almighty Allah as true followers” COAS

COAS referred Quranic verse of Sura e Baqarah, translation of which is:
” How many times it happened that a smaller force vanquished a bigger force by the Will of Allah”

“Significant effort is being made by our adversaries to affect state and societal cohesion through multiple efforts” COAS

“There is absolutely no space for spoilers of our hard earned peace” COAS

“Armed Forces of Pakistan will never shy away from any sacrifice to stabilize, secure and safeguard the future of our next generations” COAS

“There is a dire need to identify the exposed and hidden enemies. In this regard there must be a difference between reality & deception” COAS

“Our enemies are hell-bent upon driving a wedge between its people and Armed Forces” COAS

“W will ensure that the bond between Armed Forces and People of Pakistan is preserved and further solidified” COAS

“Stability, security and peace in Afghanistan remains fundamental to our security” COAS

“We will continue to provide political, moral and diplomatic support to our Kashmiri brothers” COAS

“Pakistan firmly stands with its Kashmiri brethren in their historic struggle for basic human rights and their legitimate quest for the right to self-determination” COAS

“The international community must realize, that without a just and peaceful resolution to the Kashmir issue, regional peace will forever remain elusive” COAS