Two more envoys leaving after term completion


The Nigerian high commissioner, according to diplomatic sources, is leaving Pakistan in the end of July.


ISLAMABAD: (DNA)  –  Two more ambassadors are set to leave Pakistan after completing their diplomatic term. These ambassadors include Thomas Kolly Ambassador of Switzerland and High Commissioner of Nigeria Maj.Gen ® Ashimiyu Adebayo Olaniyi.

The Nigerian high commissioner, according to diplomatic sources, is leaving Pakistan at the end of July.

It may be mentioned here that the ambassador of Uzbekistan Furqat Sikikov has already left Pakistan after completing his tenure.

Ambassador Furqat has been elevated to the rank of Deputy Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan. He has already assumed charge of his office.

His successor has not been announced yet therefore the Military Attaché of the Embassy Col. Saad will be the man in-charge till the time of appointment of new ambassador.

 Farewell receptions for these outgoing ambassadors and high commissioners will not take place because of a pandemic however some of their colleagues hosted a very selective farewell get-together in order to say goodbye to them.