Khan for tackling refugee issue wisely

PTI Core Committee congratulates newly elected party Chairman, other officials

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Founding and Chairman-for-Life of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan, made it clear that the treatment being meted out to the Afghan refugees was contrary to the core values of the religion of Islam, the holy book, the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and our social and moral traditions.

He urged that they should be treated with dignity and respect because both the countries had centuries-long relationship based on brotherhood and mutual respect.

In his special message from jail on the maltreatment of Afghan refugees, PTI founding Chairman reminded that hijra had a special place in Islam as Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as also others Prophets had experienced this in their lives.

Imran Khan stressed that it is obligatory upon us as a nation to take special care of the refugees seeking asylum in our country who had been deprived of their homes and lands as a result of wars and disasters and treat them with kindness and respect.

He emphasized that Afghanistan is our brotherly neighbouring Islamic country and people of both the countries are bound together in relations of brotherhood spread over centuries.

PTI Founding Chairman stated that it was impossible for nations to change their neighbours and they needed each other’s support from time to time.

Imran Khan underlined that trust-based relations with neighbours will guarantee the future security of Pakistan.

He pointed out that Pakistan served Afghan refugees for 40 years and the positive impact of decades-long warm hospitality was being nullified by pursuing poor strategy.

PTI Founding Chairman highlighted that 1.5 million refugees were not an unbearable burden on a nation of 250 million people. He added that a sizable majority of refugees who came to Pakistan seeking asylum belonged to the poorest segments of the society.

Imran Khan warned that negative sentiments would instil in the entire Afghan nation due to the failure to handle the refugee issue with civility, courtesy, and wisdom.

He warned that the ill feeling and bitterness caused by the poor strategy would become a part of their psyche, which would remain a permanent huddle in building durable bilateral relations between the two countries.

PTI Founding Chairman urged that the current approach of herding Afghan refugees like sheep should be abandoned instantly. He advised to deliberate the whole issue wisely and adopt a dig