KP introduces online domicile system for hassle-free certificates


In a progressive move towards modernisation and enhanced citizen convenience, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government has launched an online system for obtaining domicile certificates.

The innovative e-domicile platform aims to streamline the application process and reduce the burden on residents across various districts of the province.

Through the user-friendly website, citizens can now apply for domicile certificates effortlessly, whether on a mobile device or computer. The online system eliminates the need for time-consuming visits to government offices, providing a more efficient and convenient solution for the people.

One of the key features of this new system is the collection of fingerprints by the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA).

This ensures the secure storage of applicant data with the government, enhancing the overall integrity and reliability of the process.

The introduction of the e-domicile system not only simplifies the application process but also helps citizens avoid significant travel expenses and long waits in government offices. The move has garnered positive feedback from residents, who express satisfaction with the newfound ease of acquiring domicile certificates.

Citizens can attach the necessary documents through the online portal, providing a comprehensive and streamlined approach to the application process. The government, in turn, gains access to detailed citizen information at the village council and neighborhood council levels, contributing to more effective governance.