PTI being subjected to worst state operation to impose clique of criminals on nation: Raoof Hasan

PTI being subjected to worst state operation to impose clique of criminals on nation: Raoof Hasan


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Central Information Secretary Raoof Hasan said that the reign of terror had been unleashed on the PTI for the past 22 months under an infamous London Plan to dismantle PTI and remove its Chairman-for-life Imran Khan from political scene in order to impose the certified gang of criminals on the nation once again.

However, he added that the people of the country would take revenge for every injustice being meted out with them through power of their vote on February 8, 2024.

Addressing a press conference flanked by PTI Senator Walid Iqbal, Chairman Senate Standing Committee for Human Rights, Brigadier (R) Musaddiq Abbasi, former Advisor to Prime Minister of Pakistan on Accountability and Interior, Ahmad Awais, former Advocate General Punjab, PTI CIS said that PTI, its leaders and workers were subjected to worst state terrorism and barbarism after the regime change conspiracy of April 9, 2022 to clear path for criminals to take the reins of the country.

Raoof Hasan pointed out that as soon as the clique of the thieves consisting of Sharifs and Zardaris were imposed on the nation through regime change conspiracy, they ended a whooping Rs. 1100 billion of their corruption cases instantly by exploiting the state institutions such as NAB and FIA cases.

He recalled that the inept PDM government brought the fast growing economy to the brink of bankruptcy, plummeting the growth rate from 6% growth rate to zero, swelling inflation to the worst ever rate of 48% in just one and half year of its tenure.

PTI CIS stated that the gravity of the situation could be judged from the fact that over 25 percent more population were pushed below the poverty line, besides rendering over 2 crore people jobless.

He went on to say that when the gang of criminals realized that they were not acceptable to the people of the country, the PDM government resorted to committing all kinds of violations of the constitution and laws and subjecting PTI and its supporters and leaders to a systematic state-sponsored human rights violations campaign to prolong their stay in power.

Raoof Hasan highlighted that PTI leaders and workers had been facing state brutalities and inhuman acts since PTI May 25, 2022 long march, adding that political opponents were being subjected to illegal detentions, harassing women and children and custodial torture, besides raiding their residences by violating the sanctity of the four walls.

He stated that gravity of the situation could be judged from the fact that thousands of false, fabricated and politically-motivated cases like sedition and terrorism were registered against PTI senior leadership including Imran Khan.

PTI CIS reminded that twice assassinated attempts were made on the country’s former prime minister but even then he was denied the constitutional right to register an FIR, adding that his house was under state assault for 36 hours and innocent political activist Zilleh Shah was tortured to death by the police but they tried to even implicate Khan in the case.

Similarly, Raoof Hasan stated that on May 9, PTI Founder was illegally abducted from the court premises under a well-orchestrated plan and subsequently an organized fascist campaign was launched against the entire party, supporters and leadership.

He said that the party leadership were forced to quit the party or change the loyalties by holding forcible press conferences aimed at dismantling PTI to create a king party.

Raoof Hasan reiterated that a powerful and independent judicial commission should be constituted to bring the truth before the nation in this regard because around 10,000 workers including central party leaders had been languishing in jails in false and frivolous cases hitherto.

He observed that Imran Khan was unlawful detained on August 5 as a result of the unjust trial in a baseless Toshakhana case.

PTI CIS highlighted that PDM government imposed strict restrictions on media as independent journalists were attacked, kidnapped and even forced to exile, adding that renowned journalist Arshad Sharif was forced into exile to Kenya where he was brutally murdered; however no progress had been made in the investigation of this murder case.

Similarly, he stated that another well-known anchorperson Imran Riaz was forcibly disappeared for several months and subjected to the worst custodial torture.

He said that people of the country were deprived of their constitutional right to franchise, as the puppet Election Commission of Pakistan, at the behest of its masters, stripped PTI of its electoral symbol, thus disenfranchising around 13 crore voters.

Flaying the unconstitutional and unlawful caretaker government, Raoof Hasan said that the illegal government did not only fail in holding polls within the stipulated 90 days but it unleashed a wave of terror against PTI to keep the party at bay from the electoral arena under the London Plan to pay way for the court convicted national criminals.

He said that Imran Khan was unlawfully sentenced in cypher, thoshakhan and Iddat cases through unfair and unconstitutional and hasty trials to facilitate the criminals.

PTI CIS stated that all these brutal and fascist tactics failed to work, they started to manipulate the polls, as people’s votes were changed constantly during the past few weeks to confuse voters especially the women voters to for flung areas, adding that Nawaz Sharif, who chanted slogan of “respect the vote”, has already declared himself as prime minister a day before the general elections, like he delivered a victory speech on 2013 election day.

However, Raoof Hasan made it clear that despite all these state operation and suppression, PTI and its leaders continued their legal and political fights within the ambit of the constitution and law and the people would take revenge through vote on February 8 by inflicting crushing defeat on certified criminals.

Speaking on the occasion, Walid Iqbal said that PTI Founding Chairman was deprived of fair trial as all his cases were conducted in-camera, which was violation of his constitutional and fundamental rights, as Article 10 of the constitution gave every person a right to fair trial.

He recalled that all political parties could be seen holding public gatherings across the country but PTI even did not allow to hold corner meeting.

However, Walid urged that people especial youth and women to come out in large numbers because it was only way to get their beloved leader from the imprisonment.

Speaking on the occasion, Brigadier (R) Musaddiq lamented that it was ever first time in the last 75 years that a case of wrong assessment of the value of gifts was made despite the fact that the assessor was also a metric pass person, who were greatly confused when he was cross-examined in the court because there was no truth in the case.

However, he stated that if the value of the gift was wrong, then the real culprits were the appraisers of the cabinet division who wrongly valued it and misused their powers, so they should be sent to jail.

Musaddiq stated that it was also wrong to say that these were state gifts which could not be sold, pleading that over the years, many public officials had taken gifts worth billions of rupees, many of whom had died and afterwards all those gifts were given to their families because these gifts were not the property of the state but were personal property.

He lamented that PTI Founding Chairman deprive of the right of defence, as even he was not allowed to produce witnesses, adding that if the Military Secretary and Protocol Officer were allowed to cross-examine, they would have told every single detail of the gift from receipt to sale, but it was all a one-sided game.

Musaddiq stated that the real thoshkhana case was of Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif who had taken luxury vehicles from the state depository.

About Cipher case, he said that a total of 25 witnesses were produced in the cipher case but not even one of our witnesses were allowed to appear in the cipher case, which was enough to believe that there was nothing it the case because he as the prime minister took oath to protect the protect the sovereignty. Therefore, he said that he did not do anything unlawful but took the political matter to the people, as he did not reveal any state secret to the masses.

Ahmed Owais said that Pakistan’s constitution was being violated with impunity, as rule of law was being changed through law of authority.

He stated that Imran Khan and Shah Mehmood Qureshi did not give a chance of defence which were their constitutional and fundamental rights. However, he stated that the constitution was deliberately violated which is tantamount to subversion of the constitution and a punishable crime.

Owais went on to say that the caretaker government’s sole mandate was to run day to day affairs and ensure holding free and fair polls but the interim setup had miserably failed in performing its constitutional duties.

About May 9, he demanded that IG Punjab should be questioned regarding the absence on police from the scene.

He termed the PTI Chairman’s conviction in Iddat case as violative to sharia, as no such law existed in the country, adding that complainant was ex-husband of Bushra Bibi who only filed a case after five years when he was detained in corruption charges.

Owai demanded that the Supreme Court should take notice the issue instantly.

He called upon the people to come out of February 8 because only their vote could ensure Khan’s release from unlawful prison who sacrificed and imprisoned for sake of supremacy of law and upholding of the constitution.