Delegation of 39th Mid career management course visits Deputy Commissioner’s office

Delegation of 39th Mid career management course visits Deputy Commissioner's office


ATTOCK, 04 Mar: A delegation comprising officers of the 39th Mid career management course (MCMC) visited the Deputy Commissioner’s office, here on Monday. The Deputy Commissioner Rao Atif Raza welcomed the officers and In the meeting held in the conference room of the DC office, the officers of the course were briefed about District Attock.

Deputy Commissioner highlighted the historical tourism background of Attock district and apprised the course officers about the development works. He briefed the officers regarding Local Government, Land Revenue and Other Departments in the district. He also gave a briefing about the implementation of the price control mechanism. The officers were also informed about the future plans including repair and rehabilitation of attock. He further informed about the implementation of other public welfare projects in the district. The Deputy Commissioner also answered the questions related to some departments of the officers. The participants of the course were presented with a shield by the district administration.

Later officers of the 39th Mid career management course (MCMC) also visits in The Office of District Police Officer. Police Officer DSP Mr. Asghar Gurayah briefed the participants regarding the policing of Attock Police. A briefing was also given regarding the crime trend, police operations against criminals, use of modern technology in the police department and new initiatives on the instructions of IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar in Punjab Police. The participants appreciated the measures taken by the Attock Police to control crime and protect the lives and property of the public. The delegation also visited the District Command and Control Center established in the office where a briefing was given on the use of modern technology in police working.