Petrol price increased by 9.66 rupees per liter

Domestic Secretary-CTP Passing-out of 51st CTP held at Civil Services Academy



The price of Petrol (Motor Gasoline) has increased in the international market during the last fortnight, while the price of HSD has marginally declined. The Government has accordingly decided to revise the existing consumer prices of petroleum products. New prices of w.e.f. 1st April, 2024 will therefore be as follows:

                                                                                                                             (Rs. / liter)

ProductsExisting Prices w.e.f. 16.03.2024New Prices w.e.f. 01.04.2024Increase/Decrease
MS (Petrol)279.75289.41+9.66
High Speed Diesel (HSD)285.56282.24-3.32

2.         The above price adjustments are in line with Government’s policy of passing on the variations of prices in the international market to the domestic market. The consumer price of HSD has accordingly been decreased once again, after a downward revision in the middle of March, 2024.