Secy-General of IPC commends transparency in Azerbaijan’s parliamentary elections

Secy-General of IPC commends transparency in Azerbaijan's parliamentary elections

BAKU, SEPT 2 (DNA) – It is an honor to address you today following our observation of the Snap parliamentary elections of Azerbaijan on 1st September 2024. As the Secretary-General of the International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC), I would like to begin by commending the state authority and the people of Azerbaijan for the well-organized and efficient conduct of this election.

Our delegation, which included Ambassador at Large Mr. Duarte Pacheco (Former President of IPU), Special Advisor of IPC global Think tank on climate change and SDGs Mr. Fida Hussain Malik, and Ms. Mehk Butt Manager Communications IPC are deeply overwhelmed by the professionalism and transparency demonstrated throughout the electoral process.I can confidently say that today’s parliamentary elections were conducted in an exemplary manner.

We started our observation mission at 10: 00 am today, and we visited nearly 10 polling stations across Baku and other districts, including Sabunchu and settlementMastaga. Our overall experience has been both productive and positive. We have observed a strong turnout, with the citizens of Baku showing great interest in exercising their right to vote.

We are pleased to report that the elections have been peaceful, with no signs of pressure or coercion. Representatives from various political parties were present at the polling stations, and it was encouraging to see them participating peacefully. The presence of these representatives contributed to the transparency of the process, which we observed throughout the election day.

The staff at the polling stations were well-prepared, and with only two exceptions out of the 10 stations we visited, there was sufficient English-speaking staff present, which greatly facilitated our observation efforts. Furthermore, we particularly appreciatethe providence of the accessibility measures in place for persons with special needs. The polling stations are equipped with the necessary facilities, and there are special arrangements for disabled individuals to cast their vote from home. This is a commendable effort that reflects inclusivity and respect for all voters.

The commitment to democratic principles and the dedication to ensuring a fair electoral process were evident at every stage, reflecting the strength of Azerbaijan’s democratic institutions. We are grateful to the Milli Majlis for inviting us to observe this important event. The cooperation and hospitality extended to our delegation were truly admirable.

The International Parliamentarians Congress remains committed to supporting and promoting democratic processes worldwide. We look forward to continued collaboration with Azerbaijan in the future.