World silence over killing of Afghans in Iran


Shamim Shahid

Recent reports reveals killing of around 300 Afghan nationals in a border village of Seestan province of Iran. The incident occurred at border village of Kalgan Sarwan of Seestan of Iran which is bordering also with Baluchistan province of Afghanistan.

Further details are awaited but reports reveal that personnel of Iranian border security forces opened indiscriminate firing against these Afghan nationals while they making attempt to enter Iran. From onward Iran, almost these Afghan immigrants are struggling to land in Pakistan or any other part of the region not only for their livelihood but for their survival.

No one can exonerate the hard line Taliban who are governing war devastated Afghanistan of miseries, hardships and even killing/dying of Afghans not only by border personnel of Iran but throughout the world. Like of Iran, Pakistan is also responsible for all happenings to Afghans.

But most important, the main culprit is no other than United State-which is engaged in experiment after experiment on the sole of Afghans from last several decades. But unfortunately, not only common countries but even UN and EU like so called prestigious and effective global bodies are helpless before US.

Whatever may be claims and justification on the part of US but it and its powerful spy agencies had made a key role in surrendering of Afghanistan for an term to Taliban. In fact, Taliban are no any new or strange force but it is the second generation of Afghan Mujahideen, manufactured and financed by US, trained by Pakistan and religiously polished by Saudi Arabia.

Now it is confirmed that US agenda regarding South and Central Asia is yet to be accomplished and for the purpose, the Jihad against former USSR is now converted into religious terrorism or Islamic extremism. The characters are not new in the second play being produced and carried out by US spy masters with collaboration of its paid and contributing partners or allies.

All are considering Islamic Republic of Iran-a rival to US in Islamic world. But on the issue of Afghanistan, Iraq and other regional countries both US and Iran are friends and have always assisted each other’s since 70’s. Iran had not only backed the US led war (Jihad) against –ex USSR but had also backed the US in its aggressions against Iraq, Egypt’s Hussni Mobarak and Libya’s Col Gaddafi. Whereas position of Pakistan is very clear as its powerful effective military establishment is always proud of its what it called “relations and partnership” with United States.

On the issue of Iran, both Pakistan and Iran had not only remained as forefront allies of US led world but both on the other hand broken away all previous records of treating war affected Afghans like slaves, hostages and even criminals.

Despite earning and receiving a lot from UNHCR and other global organs on the name of refugees, Iran had confined the Afghans to some camps and localities whereas Pakistan’s law enforcing agencies had camouflaged all sort of its failures, inefficiencies and failure through Afghan refugees.

One was expecting a change after 9/11 when the US apparently suffered a lot at hands of Al Qaeda and its affiliated militant groups including Tehrik Taliban Afghanistan. But the US despite extending much more help and contribution in restoration of a centralised authority and reconstruction process had douched its own installed democratic regimes of Afghanistan by re-establishing contacts with Pakistan based and Pakistan helped Taliban through Qatar instead of Saudi Kingdom some when in 2010 after 2009 second Presidential polls. Later US had completely ignored the democratically elected government of Dr. Ashraf Ghani in so called Doha Accord 2020, ultimately helping Taliban militants in returning to power on August 15th 2021 last. Pakistan through its former ISI chief Faiz Hameed had jubilated returning to power with a cup of tea at Serena Kabul.

One was expecting positive change in attitude of both Pakistan and Iran after empowering of Taliban but the situation is now different. Prior to this brutal incident, Iran and Pakistan are forcibly deporting Afghans from last two years. But the Afghans are reluctant to stay in country. Both the countries are leaving no stone unturned in further muscling its harsh acts and actions against the Afghans.

Iran didn’t allow Afghans to cross over its territory either to land in Pakistan or any other country whereas Pakistan has fenced whole of its border with Afghanistan. Ruling but cruel extremist Taliban have converted whole of Afghanistan into a big prison where the people are treated like slaves and hostages. On the other UN, EU, OIC and US like forces are playing role of silent spectator and enjoying miseries of war affected Afghans.