Missing Persons Commission disposes of 4616 cases till July 2020



Islamabad, Aug 04,: Missing Persons Commission has disposed of 4616 cases upto July 30, 2020 as per monthly progress report released by Farid Ahmed Khan, Secretary (ColoED) on cases of alleged enforced disappearances for the month of July 30, 2020.

A total number of 6686 cases were received by the Missing Persons Commission upto June 2020. During July 2020, 43 more cases were received by the commission and total numbers of cases reached to 6729. The Missing Persons Commission disposed of 23 cases in July 2020 and thus total disposal of Missing Persons upto July 30, 2020 is 4616 and balance as on July 30, 2020 is 2113.
The Missing Persons Commission will resume its hearings soon after review of Lock down policies announced by Federal Government and Provincial Governments in order to prevent from COVID-19 as per law.

Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman, Missing Persons Commission and other Honorable members have disposed of 4616 cases upto July 30, 2020. The relatives of missing persons have lauded the efforts of Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal Chairman Missing Persons Commission and other Honorable members of Missing Persons Commission for taking personal interest in locating their near and dear ones. Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman, Missing Persons Commission is serving Missing Persons Commission in an honorary capacity and is drawing no salary and availing other faculties which are admissible as per law.