Seminar on National Security through the Prism of Democratic Transition



LAHORE: The Centre for Aerospace and Security Studies (CASS), Lahore, hosted a seminar titled “Democratic Transition and Political Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Pakistan” on 17 October 2024. Ameer Abdullah Khan, a Senior Researcher at CASS Lahore, opened the seminar by highlighting the nexus between political and national security.

Mr Ahmed Bilal Mehboob, President PILDAT, delivered the keynote address, outlining Pakistan’s political landscape from the perspectives of Islamic identity, political autonomy, institutional balance, and parliamentary democracy. He praised the drafting of a robust constitution and the institutionalisation of a vigorous election commission as important milestones in Pakistan’s democratic consolidation. He also analysed the parliament, political parties, and institutional balance as determinants of Pakistan’s political security.

Mr Fahad Hussain, President Aik News, provided a compelling analysis of the factors shaping Pakistan’s political security. He discussed the role of provincial, demographic, and political fault lines, misinformation and fake news being spread through social media, and the influence of bloodlines visible in the form of dynastic politics and elite privileges in determining Pakistan’s political stability. Professor Dr Moonis Ahmer mentioned authoritarian mindset, corruption, nepotism, non-professional nature of political parties, and marginal role of education and youth as major factors of democratic fragility. He accentuated the importance of political pluralism, institutional dedication to the political process, and press freedom as avenues to political security.

The seminar concluded with closing remarks by Air Marshal Asim Suleiman (Retd), President CASS, Lahore who said that Pakistan’s path to democracy has been anything but easy. He highlighted that Pakistan’s democratic future relies on a stable political process, robust institutions, and active participation from civil society. President CASS emphasised that adherence to the Constitution, serves as the nation’s guiding light and Pakistan must learn from its past and use these lessons to build a better future.

The seminar provided an important platform for dialogue on Pakistan’s democratic journey and the relationship between political transition and security. It laid the groundwork for future discussions on democratic consolidation, political security, and the role of emerging generations in shaping Pakistan’s political future.