DPO holds open court



ATTOCK, Nov 11 (DNA): District Police Officer (DPO) Dr Sardar Ghias Gul Khan held an open court in his Office here on Monday. The DPO listened to the complaints of people and issued orders to officers concerned for immediate redress of citizens’ problems.

According to police, the DPO issued orders to officers to resolve public issues on the basis of merit and send a report to him. He said that the purpose of holding open courts is to provide speedy justice to citizens, restore trust between citizens and police and make attock district a cradle of peace.

District Police Officer (DPO) Dr Sardar Ghias Gul Khan said that complaints of common man would be redressed on top priority and relief would be given to complainants at police station level. He said that police personnel would play their due role in ensuring law and order in their respective areas.