Pakistan remains steadfast in support of inclusive Afghan political settlement: FM


ISLAMABAD, AUG 08 (DNA) – Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi Saturday said that Pakistan remained steadfast in support of an inclusive political settlement in Afghanistan.

“Good to speak (with Mike Pompeo) and to reiterate Pakistan’s continued stand for regional peace and security. We remain steadfast in support of an inclusive political settlement in Afghanistan,” the foreign minister said on Twitter today.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Pakistan look forward to strengthening bilateral relationship with the US and to continuing as anchors of stability.

He was referring to his Friday’s telephonic conversation with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wherein in the two sides discussed the bilateral and regional matters including Kashmir dispute as well as Afghan peace process.

Qureshi said Pakistan looked forward to strengthening bilateral relationship with the US and to continuing as anchors of stability.

The foreign minister’s tweet came in response to an earlier tweet by Pompeo saying, “Productive call with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi about continued cooperation on Afghan peace and the importance of supporting regional stability. I look forward to advancing our shared goals and increasing partnership.”

Referring to the holding of Loya Jirga, he expressed the hope that a conducive environment would be created for the earliest convening of the intra-Afghan negotiations.

In a telephonic conversation with the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the Foreign Minister also said India’s regressive policies in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir manifest with massive violations of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Qureshi said that the continued commitment of the international community will help generate the necessary momentum towards resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the wishes of the Kashmiri people and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

The Foreign Minister thanked him for the US participation in the debate in the UN Security Council on August 5, 2020 on the completion of one year of India’s unilateral and illegal actions in Kashmir.

He said the Security Council’s deliberations, once again, reaffirmed the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi says Pakistan will continue to deepen and further strengthen political, economic and cultural ties with ASEAN and its members in line with its ‘Vision East Asia’ policy.

In his message on 53rd ASEAN Day, he said Pakistan enjoys close friendly ties with all ASEAN members. Our historic and deep-rooted relations pre-date the modem era, harkening back to abiding linkages forged during the time of the Gandhara Civilization.

He also commended the ASEAN members for effectively and admirably handling the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Foreign Minister extended, on behalf of the government and people of Pakistan and on his own behalf, warm felicitations to the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its Members, on the occasion of the 53rd ASEAN Day. =DNA
