Samarkand human Rights Forum on youth2020


The draft convention o n youth lays norms and principles inter alia: 

Strengthening the institution of the family,recognises the diversity of young people,and the need to promote and protect human rights at All stages 


Let me congratulate the Republic of Uzbekistan,the national Human Rights center and the office of the OHCHR and other sponsors for carrying forward the vision for developing international standards for the protection of youth rights put forward by H.E the president of Uzbekistan at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly on sept19th 2017. And today we have the draft of the convention to be adopted and ratified

This convention takes into account the interests and needs of various groups of 1.8 billion young people the largest ever in the world.The young generation, as a social subject need comprehensive support from the state not confined to declarations through black letters. This is possible through allocation of resources,recognising the importance of the youth and involving them in statecraft.

What is causing great concern is the decadence in the general health,education, wellbeing,employment of the youth. The lack of a healthy lifestyle,the presence of high level of morbidity,drugs,alcohol consumption,tobacco smoking abortions low productive attitudes.

What is also causing concern is increase in nationalists sentiments marginalisation criminalisation of the youth environment in different regions with youth unemployment.a t

The absence of a convention addressing these issues creates difficulties for creation of a legislative framework in the field of state youth policy. Which should be based on on the principles and norms enshrined in a fresh convention on the rights of the youth. The previous documents on Youth rights do not contain any criteria for measuring progress in achieving the broad goals.

In Pakistan youth participation was through attachment after an educational program with industrial and commercial units and government sectors where the internee also got a sustenance allowance. But it was a policy confined to that government. Presently our government is engaging youth in what is called as its tiger program for tree plantation and checking hoarders. Previously we had youth hostels to encourage social contact.

. The idea of involving youth in social service before they completed education was a German idea. Some countries like Switzerland go was conscription. It it’s all ad hoc.

The draft convention o n youth lays norms and principles inter alia:

Strengthening the institution of the family,recognises the diversity of young people,and the need to promote and protect human rights at All stages.It speaks of the emotional cultural and spiritual needs of young people. It gives special attention and support to youth living in difficult conditions. It also speaks of the need of international cooperation and deepening exchange of experience interstates based on the needs of the people

It will help implement the UN youth2030 strategy and will ultimately ensure the achievement of the sustainable Development goals

This will remove the despondency prevalent in youth forcing them-out in the streets protesting and destabilising the law and order.

I support uzbekistan and all the sponsors of the convention

Justice AliNawaz chowhan

Formerly:Chief Justice of the Gambia.intl judge of the UN at The Hague, of Pakistansuperior Judiciary and chairman NIHR pakistan(NCHR)