Speakers urge youth to follow vision of Quaid-i-Azam



Islamabad: AUG 16 – In connection with 74th Independence Day Celebrations, Inter University Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences Pakistan, largest network of Pakistani universities and Government College University Lahore jointly organized webinar on the topic ‘’Reshaping Pakistan’s Future: Lessons from the Leadership of Quaid-I-Azam for Youth’’. Addressing on the occasion, Senator Walid Iqbal highlighted the close interaction between Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

He also urged the current and future leadership to follow the footsteps of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammmad Ali Jinnah.Justice (r) Nasira Javed Iqbal highlighted the importance of individual’s participation in development and betterment of society. She also expressed that when we talk about the term “individual” we also count women as well.

She also highlighted the role of Fatima Jinnah (Māder-e Millat) in support of her brother and as a women leader in formation of Pakistan.She specifically explained three terms “Ishq”, “Khudi” and “Fard” by giving reference of Iqbal’s poetry. She said that Pakistani youth is full of potential, but due to lack of opportunities, they are unable to play their effective role. She urged that the higher authorities should have to work on capacity building and creation of opportunities for proper facilitation of young talent. 

 Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Shah Vice-Chancellor QAU Islamabad and Chairman Vice-Chancellors Committee of Pakistan said the realizing importance of education, Quaid-i-Azam donated his own property to three educational institutions. Pakistan needs to declare education emergency to overcome challenges being faced in education and higher education. 

 Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Sheikh former Vice Chancellor Sindh Madressatul Islam University and Quaid-i-Azam’s biographer, highlighted the vision of Quaid-i-Azam about the youth. He said that Quaid-i-Azam always highlighted importance of effective role of youth and emphasized over inculcating values of tolerance, co-existence and responsible citizenship among the youth. 

Dr. Iqbal Chaudhary Coordinator General COMSTECH Islamabad said that as per vision of Quaid-i-Azam, the young generation needs to be equipped with modern knowledge. He insisted that social investment on youth is need of time, he said that the returns can be drawn by effectively engaging the two-third majority of youth through education and other means.

  Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi Vice Chancellor Government College University Lahore (GCUL) reiterated the importance of promotion of merit and understanding of religion and ethics in higher education. He emphasised the role of teachers and their incentives and training.

Mr. Murtaza Noor National Coordinator IUCPSS has stressed upon collaborative efforts for empowering youth in every sphere of life as per vision of the founder of nation. Released by Murtaza Noor National Coordinator Inter University Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences Pakistan.