CSS Exams 2024 results case major update

CSS Exams 2024 results case major update

ISLAMABAD, JAN 31: The Islamabad High Court held a hearing on a petition seeking to halt the new exams for the CSS 2024 before the results are declared.

The court has directed the Chairman of the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) to hear the petitioners’ concerns and make a decision by February 6.

Assistant Attorney General Usman Ghuman informed the court that the Chairman of FPSC would be present next week and would address the matter within ten days. Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani emphasized that the issue was not just about one individual, stating that FPSC needed to resolve the matter comprehensively.

The court instructed the petitioners to present their case to the FPSC. If the issue is not resolved by February 6, the court will issue an order.