Coronavirus: Cases on Tui flight from Zante to Cardiff


All passengers who were on a flight to Wales from a Greek island have been told to self-isolate after some on board tested positive for coronavirus.

Health officials say seven people from three different parties on Tui flight 6215 from Zante to Cardiff on Tuesday have tested positive for Covid-19.

Public Health Wales (PHW) is contacting the estimated other 180 passengers.

It comes as a group of people from Plymouth tested positive for the virus after returning from Zante on Monday.

“Cardiff and Vale test, trace, protect and Public Health Wales have identified at least seven confirmed cases of Covid-19 from three different parties who were infectious on Tui flight 6215 from Zante to Cardiff on 25 August,” said Giri Shankar of PHW.

“As a result, we are advising that all passengers on this flight are considered close contacts and must self-isolate.”

“These passengers will be contacted shortly, but meanwhile, they must self-isolate at home as they may become infectious, even without developing symptoms.”

Dr Shankar, PHW’s Covid-19 incident director, said anyone who was on board the three-and-a-half hour flight from Zakynthos to Cardiff Airport on Tuesday that has symptoms “should book a test without delay”.

There were 1,715 new coronavirus cases – and one death – reported in the UK on Sunday – the highest number since 4 June.

While no new deaths with coronavirus were reported in Wales on Sunday, 56 cases have been confirmed by PHW.

The seven cases on board the Tui flight are included in the 12 new cases reported in the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board area.

Cardiff Airport, which is owned by the Welsh Government, said it is working closely with airlines to “facilitate passenger travel throughout this challenging time for the industry”.

“Tui is taking every necessary measure following today’s report, said Spencer Birns, Cardiff Airport’s interim chief executive.

“Cardiff Airport is closely following guidelines set out by Public Health Wales, FCO and UK Government and has already taken a number of measures to ensure the safety and security of our team and customers, which is our number one priority.”