Tahir-ul-Qadri lambastes PM Imran over due justice to victims


LAHORE, Jan 02 (DNA): Patron-in-Chief of Minhaj-ul-Quran International
(MQI) Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri on Thursday lambasted Prime Minister Imran Khan
saying that the government has changed but nothing has been done for the
martyrs and innocent captives of Model Town incident.

In his statement, Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri sarcastically extended greetings to
PM Imran saying that the law in Naya Pakistan has become equal for
everyone as culprits are free to go abroad while the imprisoned victims
of Model Town tragedy are handcuffed even in the operation theatres.

Imran Khan deserves appreciation for providing equal justice to all in
his “New Pakistan” where the convicted criminals are let free and the
imprisoned victims of Model Town incident are enchained even in the
operation theater.

He went on to say that the real minds behind the massacre are roaming
freely whereas 107 workers who protested peacefully were sentenced to
imprisonment. He asserted that even after five and a half year of the
incident, there has been no fair trial. “Is this the Naya Pakistan where
the law is equal for everyone?” he raised question.

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri expressed grief saying: “I am extremely grieved to see
the inhumane treatment of arrested PAT workers, two among which have
died in jail and despite [being] critically ill, their bail applications
are not even heard.” DNA