AMBASSADOR OF AZERBAIJAN SAYS: We don’t want war, we want justice


Mehman Novruzov, Military Attache said in order to ensure safety and security of civilian population, Azerbaijan Army has launched counter offensive peace enforcement operation against Armenian provocation

Ansar M Bhatti

ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of Azerbaijan Ali Alizada has said we do not want war rather we want justice adding Azerbaijan forces will do their best to protect every inch of their motherland.

Ambassador Alizada made these remarks while addressing a crowded press conference. He was flanked by Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Samir and Defence Attache Col Mehman.

The ambassador further said the Armenian forces attacked Azerbaijani territory killing innocent people. Azerbaijan he said had no option but to counter Armenian move and protect its people and territory.

The Ambassador further said, his country was indebted to Pakistan and people of Pakistan for their unflinching support adding Azerbaijani people duly recognize this goodwill gesture and would remember it for ever.

He added, the counter-offensive operations of Azerbaijan against Armenian attacks are carried out within internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan and in compliance with the 51st article of the UN Charter (right of self-defence). The responsibility for the escalation of the situation on the front line lies directly with the Armenian military-political leadership.

As mentioned by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr.IlhamAliyev, Azerbaijan has no military targets in Armenia, the war, which began with the current provocations of the occupying country is being waged in the historical territories of our country, Azerbaijan’s counter-offensive operation is aimed at liberating our lands and forcing Armenia to make peace.

Ambassador Alizada said Armenian Armed Forces in violation of the norms and principles of international law, in particular international humanitarian law, and the 1949 Geneva Conventions are directly targeting civilians & civilian infrastructure in order to provoke panic among Azerbaijani nation, but Azerbaijani nation is strongly united against Armenian aggression. Attacking civilians from its own territory (far away from conflict zone) Armenia aims to instigate Azerbaijan to retaliate and as a result to involve CSTO military block into the conflict, which Armenia is a member of.

‘Azerbaijan urges the world community to take a principled stand, and condemn the next Armenia’s aggressive actions. This country, which does not comply with the norms and principles of international  law is regularly targeting more cities and other civilian settlements. South Caucasus will never have peace and security until Armenia liberates the occupied lands’ he added.

Earlier,  Samir Guliyev, 2nd Secretary of the Embassy shared details of the event in chronological order. He told that organizations in third countries make calls on Diaspora members to expeditiously join armed units of Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. They are organizing ticket sales and fund raising for this purpose.

Mehman Novruzov, Military Attache said in order to ensure safety and security of civilian population, Azerbaijan Army has launched counter offensive peace enforcement operation against Armenian provocation.

Armenia spreads following fake information and groundless accusations towards Azerbaijan, trying to involve 3rd Parties in the conflict: –

o       as if, Turkish troops are involved and Turkish F-16 take part in the ongoing military operations, which has no grounds and evidence.

o       as if, Syrian terrorists are brought into Karabakh to participate in the operations.

Azerbaijan has repeatedly denied these accusations and stated that these are nothing more than fake information. Azerbaijan has 10 million population and Army with about 100 thousand manpower, which is sufficient number to fight a war with Armenian Forces, which is far less in number.

He said Azerbaijan understands that using such groundless and nonsense fake information Armenia intends to overshadow recent achievements of Azerbaijan Army, as well as associate this operation with terrorism, thus divert international community’s attention from Armenia’s recent provocative misadventures.

‘In fact, Azerbaijan has evidences from reliable intelligence sources that Armenia has transported hundreds of PKK and YPG-linked terrorists from various countries of Middle East and placed them in Nagorno-Karabakh to fight Azerbaijan. Recently, Azerbaijan troops have eliminated number of Kurdish fighters in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan’, he added.