YFK, OIC Youth Indonesia jointly organized webinar on Azerbaijan



ISLAMABAD, OCT 13 – YFK–International Kashmir Lobby Group and OIC Youth Indonesia jointly organized a Zoom conference on the topic of Azerbaijan Conflict: Role of Political Elite and Civil Society on Sunday. Analysts, researchers, representatives of Youth and journalists from Pakistan, Azerbaijan and Indonesia took part in the event.

Mr. Syafii Efendi, President of OIC Youth Indonesia, in his inaugural remarks said that as young people and future leaders we must think much bolder and broader and outside the box.

The elections in the US have much significance in the near future because whatever will be the final results it will have an impact on the region, Islamic world and across the globe. Islamic countries must unite and collaborate with each other especially for the conflict of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Apart from this Muslims in Burma and Kashmir are also victims of the aggressions. The best way to address these issues is to lie in unity and joint collaboration.

Mr. Tantan Taufiq Lubis – Chairman of Indonesia National Youth Council stated that I would like to tell you how Armenia and Azerbaijan can benefit from the Indonesian experience regarding the conflicts. While addressing the conflicts rather it will be Kashmir or international relations that have importance to resolve the issue and that are the experience of Indonesia.

One will have to see the Indonesian fo     reign policy based on free and active relations with all countries including Azerbaijan and Armenia. Tantan Taufiq Lubis said that we believe in peace and social justice and are pleased that the international community has started taking interest to solve the problem whether it will be from Azerbaijan or Kashmir. We hope diplomacy will finally solve the problem of Nagorno Karabakh through negotiations.

Mr. Ahmed Quraishi, Executive Director of Youth Forum for Kashmir in his address said that I would like to appreciate Azerbaijan; they handled the issue very sensibly and proved that they are the ambassadors of peace stability in the region.  As we are as YFK – International Kashmir Lobby Group which is working on Kashmir conflict, we have been watching and monitoring how Azerbaijan conducted and managed the Nagorno Karabakh issue in an impressive way through diplomacy. Qureshi added that the Azerbaijan’s diplomacy has played a very positive diplomatic role in the region.  The way Azerbaijan leadership handles the issue right from the first day was really appreciable. If we go into the details of the near history of Azerbaijan since 1991 the country has managed its role as a peacemaker in the central Asia and region.

Especially their diplomats, raised the issue internationally, resultantly the Organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC) is fully and strongly backed by Azerbaijan. Apart from diplomacy they wrote letters to international forums to clarify Azerbaijan and Arminian position on grounds, Ahmed Qureshi added.

Ahmed Qureshi said that the way Azerbaijan ambassador to Pakistan Ali Alizada briefed the Pakistani media in Islamabad was really remarkable, he said we do not want war with Armenian but we demand Justice, Armenia should abide the United Nations Security council resolutions (UNSC) regarding Nagorno Karabakh. No doubt Turkey and Pakistan fully backed the Azerbaijan position in the conflict.

Mr. Sultan Zahidov – Senior Lecturer at Baku State University highlighted the historical background and developments of this Issue during (1991-1994). He explained in detail about the violations of Armenians forces during these years. He said In 2018, a new regime came into power in Armenia and everyone was expecting that they would take up the issue in a more constructive way, but unfortunately they started with baseless statements that Nagorno Karabakh belong to Armenia.  And last September a sabotage group or invaders were launched by Armenia forces which later captured by Azerbaijan forces showed their design. But despite all these aggressions by Armenia, Azerbaijan responded through international laws and UNSC resolutions.

Mr. Intigam Huseynov – Embassy of Azerbaijan to Indonesia while addressing the zoom conference said The recent aggressions from Armenia started in last September which was very well defended by Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan got great success during the war and has liberated many occupied areas from Armenian forces. And credit goes to Azerbaijan media which highlighted the issue at domestic and international level in an excellent way. We are defending the internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan under the United Nation Security resolutions.

Miss. Astrid Nadya Rizqita – Secretary General of OIC Youth Indonesia said that we have heard from the speakers regarding the background and stance of other countries, what Azerbaijan has achieved at diplomatic level.  As afellow members of it was our duty to support our brothers at the hour of need. As representative of Indonesian youth, young leaders as Secretary General of OIC Youth Indonesia which have representatives of more than twenty youth originations firmly stand with Azerbaijan. The least we can do, we should stand with Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh is Azerbaijan.

Astrid Nadya Rizqita stated that we are also saddened and regret the lack of firm stand demonstrated by Indonesia regarding Azerbaijan issue, but appreciate the stance of Turkey and Pakistan.  There is a hard need for Indonesia to have a more supporting role regarding conflicts.

Mr. Zaman Bajwa, Lobbyist at Youth Forum for Kashmir in his concluding remarks said that the purpose of this webinar was to just know about the Azerbaijan recent conflict and defeat the rumors on social media.  We have highlighted the different aspects of this issue accordingly. It was the effort to contribute to the just cause of Azerbaijan.

YFK–International Kashmir Lobby Group (Youth Forum For Kashmir) is a non-partisan, international non-governmental organization, working for the peaceful resolution of Kashmir Conflict in accordance with United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions.