Get to know all about Naya Pakistan Housing loan scheme


LAHORE, OCT 14 (DNA) – State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has announced Government of Pakistan’s markup subsidy for affordable housing finance for construction and purchase of new houses.

The statement released by the central bank said that government has allocated Rs33bn for payment of markup subsidy for financing over a period of 10 years and has assured continuity of facility. The markup subsidy facility will be available through all banks and is divided in 3 tiers.

Here’s all you need to know about the scheme: Eligibility criteria: All men/women holding CNIC: First time home owner; An individual can have subsidized house loan facility under this scheme only once; and Only for construction and first purchase of newly constructed affordable housing units.

Size of Housing Unit: Size of the loan is segregated into three tiers, as under: Tier 1 (T1) – Housing units/apartments of up to 125 square yards (upto 5 Marla) with covered area of up to 850 square feet; Tier 2 (T2) – Housing units/apartments of up to 125 square yards (5 Marla) with covered area of up to 850 square feet; and Tier 3 (T3) – Housing units of more than 125 square yards up to 250 square yards (10 Marla) or apartments with covered area from more than 850 square feet to 1,100 square feet.

Maximum Price of Housing Units: Maximum price (market value) of a single housing unit at the time of approval of financing, as under: Tier 1 (T1) – Rs 3.5 million; Tier 2 (T2) – Rs 3.5 million; and Tier 3 (T3) – Rs. 6.0 million

Maximum Loan size: Maximum size of the loan of a single housing unit, as under: Tier 1 (T1) – Rs 2.7 million; Tier 2 (T2) – Rs 3.0 million; and Tier 3 (T3) – Rs. 5.0 million. Loan type: Long term housing finance loans.

Security Requirements: As per banks’ credit policy and prudential regulations for housing finance, the housing unit financed will be mortgaged in favor of financing bank.

Allocation in Budget: Finance Division shall give authority to SBP to debit GOP account on quarterly basis for the subsidy payment to banks; and Payment will be made to the banks on submission of quarterly-consolidated subsidy statement as per format prescribed by the State Bank of Pakistan.

Pricing: Executing Agencies: All commercial banks including Islamic banks and House Building Finance Company Limited (HBFCL).

Application Form: A standardized Application Form both in English and Urdu will require minimum essential information with simple format; and The processing time will not exceed 30 days after submission of all documents by the borrower and the same will be clearly stated in the application form.

Standardized Procedures: Banks to have standardized loan documents and risk acceptance criteria.  Monitoring: SBP will publish consolidated information about the loans extended under this program for information of the public on quarterly basis on its website. = DNA
