Iran lauds Pakistan role for supporting JCPOA


ISLAMABAD (DNA) : Due to the failure of the United States in the meeting of the UN Security Council, August 25, 2020, to extend the arms embargo on the Islamic Republic of Iran and adoption of a new Resolution in this regard, UNSCR 2231 is still legally binding and the members of the United Nations are required to implement and comply with it. According to this Resolution, with the end of 5 years from the adoption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), some prohibitions and restrictions related to the Islamic Republic of Iran will be lifted. Therefore, from October 18, 2020, the sale and transfer of certain arms and related financial services and necessary measures as well as the travel of certain Iranian individuals will be unimpeded.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has considered free trade and interaction with other countries, especially its neighbors, as an important right and principle in its foreign policy and will implement it in accordance with the UN Charter and Resolutions.

Obviously, with the expiration of the five-year period and termination of the restrictions set out in UN Security Council Resolution 2231, there are no legitimate and legal obstacles to military cooperation and related financial transactions between the two neighboring countries, Iran and Pakistan. Therefore, the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Pakistan, while emphasizing the importance of its neighborly relations with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, announces the removal of military and financial restrictions on the subject of this statement, calling for further expansion of public, trade, economic, monetary- Financial and political relations with this neighbourly and brother country and welcomes any offers and facilities in this regard.

The international isolation of the United States of America in the oppressive and illegal regime of sanctions against the great and noble nation of Iran, once again showed that the international community’s approach is based on respect for the rights of nations and resolving global issues through interaction, diplomacy, dialogue and multilateralism. The failure of the United States to revive previous Security Council sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran demonstrated the supremacy of multilateralism and respect for international law over unilateralism and implementation of hostile approaches through coercion, threat, and intimidation.

The Islamic Republic of Iran acknowledges and appreciates all the states that have maintained their principled approach to defending the JCPOA and have tried to maintain the legal and executive effectiveness of this important UN document. The Embassy also expresses its special gratitude to the Government, Parliament, Senate and Honorable nation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for supporting the JCPOA and condemning the unilateral actions of the United States of America to withdraw from this Agreement and impose cruel and inhumane sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran.