Japan offers training programmes for 80 Pakistani trainees in FY2020



ISLAMABAD, DEC 1 – The Japanese Government has offered training programmes, which are held in Japan for Pakistani nationals every year as a part of development cooperation for the further development of Pakistan. These programmes are implemented by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), thanks to the support by Japanese ministries, municipalities, universities and relevant organizations.

Although around 80 trainees are to participate in a total of 61 courses in FY2020, due to restriction on overseas travel by the COVID-19 pandemic, these curriculums had to be reconsidered.

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Therefore, JICA is exploring alternative methods such as online courses so that opportunities to participate in the trainings will not be lost even in challenging times. The programmes are gradually being decided as shown in the attached tables. The programmes will restart on a full scale once the pandemic calms down.

Japanese Government would be pleased if these trainees who will learn many things in Japan could build a bright future of Pakistan.

(1) Group and Region-Focused Programme

– Many trainees participate in a course of diverse sectors.

– Around 60 trainees participate in 50-60 programmes for basically 1-2 months with the participants from the other countries.

– Approximately 5,000 trainees have joined under this programme since 1957.

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(2) Young Leaders Training Programme

– The programme targets young people who are around 20-35 years old and are expected to lead the development of Pakistan in the future.

– Around 10 trainees participate in 1 programme for 2-3 weeks.

– 495 trainees have joined under this programme since 1991.

(3) Long-term Training Programme

– Participants study at Japanese universities pursuing masters or post-doctor degrees for 2-3 years.

– 32 trainees have studied under this programme since 2016.

(4) Country Focus Training Programme

– Order-made programmes which focus on specific sector for a certain country.

– The period is less than one year.