UNGA adopts Pakistan-sponsored resolution on self-determination


The United Nations General Assembly adopted a Pakistan-sponsored resolution that calls for immediate end to military intervention and occupation of foreign countries and territories.

Adopted by the 193-member body on December 16, the resolution, titled “Universal realisation of the rights of peoples to self-determination”, reaffirmed that self-determination is a fundamental condition for effective guarantee and observance, preservation and promotion of human rights for those under colonial, foreign and alien domination.

It declared the global body’s “firm opposition” to acts of foreign military intervention, aggression and occupation “since these have resulted in the suppression of the right of peoples to self-determination and other human rights in certain parts of the world”.

The UNGA resolution called upon states to “cease immediately their military intervention in and occupation of foreign countries and territories and all acts of repression, discrimination, exploitation and maltreatment, in particular the brutal and inhuman methods reportedly employed in the execution of those acts against the peoples concerned”.

The resolution stated that the UN deplores plight of millions of refugees and displaced persons who have been uprooted and reaffirmed their right to voluntary repatriation in “safety and with honour”.

The UN Human Rights Council has been requested to continue giving special attention to violation of human rights especially right to self-determination, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres has been requested to report on this in the General Assembly at the 76th session next year.