WFP to help Pak people hit by floods



Thanks to a contribution of € 500,000 from the European Union (EU), tens of thousands of families in Sindh Province have received food and cash assistance




ISLAMABAD –Thanks to a contribution of € 500,000 from the European Union (EU), tens of thousands of families in Sindh Province have received food and cash assistance from WFP in the aftermath of the devastating floodsthat hit the country in August.

Support from committed donors like the EU allowedWFP to reach over 71,000 people, who were most affected by the disaster, with in-kind food assistance by early September.The second phase of the response is currently underway, aiming to support117,000 people. Each family will receivePKR 15,000(EUR 76) in cash that will help them meet their food and other essential needs.

“The unconditional cash supportfrom the EU has enabled the most vulnerable families to cover their essential food and non-food needs such as medicine, water and shelter repairs,” said WFP Pakistan Representative and Country Director Chris Kaye.

Apart from the food and cash assistance, the EU’s support has allowed WFP to produce and disseminateinformation packages on nutrition and hygiene among mothers and children across Sindh Province. Another awareness-raising initiative hassensitised communities to the importance of precautionary measures preventingthe spread of COVID-19 and dengue.

WFP’s emergency response has beencoordinated with the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) of Sindh,the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and implementing partners including ACTED and Secours Islamique France (SIF).