Standing Committee on S&T briefed on renewable energy, nuclear energy


ISLAMABAD, (DNA) – Meeting of the Standing Committee on Science and Technology was held in Islamabad under the Chairmanship of Sajid Mehdi, MNA on Friday.

The meeting of the committee commenced with the recitation of holy Quran. The Director General, PCSIR apprised the Committee on the working and performance of Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET).

 He informed that at present the share of renewable energy in the energy sector is up to 6%, which is even higher than the share of nuclear energy and up to 30% is expected up to 2030.

He further briefed the Committee that there is zero tax on solar panels. Due to manufacturing of sub standard solar panels especially from Afghanistan minimized the quality as a result PCSIR has proposed the establishment of a internationally accredited laboratory in Islamabad in collaboration with PSQCR to regulate the production of these sub standard solar panels.      

The PCSIR has introduced a solar power Rikshaw with a running timing of 03 hours and covering up to 70 kilometers distance. PCSIR is also going to introduce the electric motor cycles and wheel chairs in near future.

The Committee recommended that the renewable energy sector should be flourished as the construction of Dams is too much expensive and time consuming. The Committee also decided to visit PCSIR to practically examine the ongoing renewable energy projects.

The Committee further directed the Ministry of Science and Technology for filling up the vacant posts of PCSIR on merit and submit its report to the Committee.

The meeting was attended by Engineer Usman Khan Tarakai, Mr. Abdul Shakoor Shad, Ms. Sobia Kamal Khan and Ms. Zaib Jaffar, MNA’s besides the senior officers from the Ministry of Science and Technology and Director General, PCSIR also attended the meeting. = DNA
