SIH provided first aid facilities at cycling gala organized by ICCI



ISLAMABAD, JAN 30: Shifa International Hospital Islamabad setup a First Aid Station at F-9 Park for the cyclists who took part in a Cycling Gala organized by Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI). The hospital also provided an equipped Ambulance which moved along the route of the Cycle Rally from D Chowk to F-9 Park Islamabad and stayed at the venue till the end of the racing event.

The management of Shifa Int. Hospital provided this free of charge community service to ensure a quicker response and timely care to a large number of cyclists which also included women and children from a well-trained nursing staff and top of the range equipment to deal with any unpleasant medical emergencies.

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President ICCI, Sardar Yasir Ilyas Khan appreciated the contribution by Shifa International Hospital for providing this facility for the residents of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Deputy Commissioner Islamabad, Mr. Muhammed Hamza Shafqaat was the Chief Guest of the occasion.