NAC for Technical and Vocational Stream (TVS) inaugurated


Board Members underline the importance of effective Quality Assurance Mechanism

ISLAMABAD: National Vocational and Technical Training Commission achieved a milestone by establishing National Accreditation Council for Technical and Vocational Stream (NAC-TVS). The council will implement the quality assurance mechanism to assess the quality of trainings of technical and vocational institutes and advise them to bring the standards of technical education at par with the international standards to secure valuable share in global job market.

Inaugural meeting of National Accreditation Council for Technical and Vocational Stream (NAC-TVS) was held in NAVTTC headquarters. Chairman NAVTTC, Syed Javed Hassan in opening remarks said that the establishment of NAC-TVS is a landmark event in the history of TVET sector  as it will not only be effective in quality assurance but it will also act as a platform to develop and improve international linkages.

Executive Director NAVTTC, Dr. Nasir Khan mentioned that establishment of National Accreditation Council for Technical and Vocational Stream reflects the fulfillment of Prime Minister’s vision to impart quality skills to youth. Today’s inaugural meeting will act as a catalyst to devise an action plan to achieve the objectives of newly established council, said Khan. The Executive Director also appreciated the efforts of NAVTTC team and the all the stakeholders for this landmark achievement.

Chairman NAC-TVS, Mian Waqas Masud said that council will serve the purpose of grading the technical and vocational institutes according to the international standards on one hand and on the other hand it will discourage the issuance of fake certificates.

Chief Executive Officer NAC-TVs, Dr. Muqeem-ul-Islam mentioned that this is an important step and it will help changing the landscape of TVET sector through quality assurance and enhancing the employment opportunities abroad.

A number of valuable proposals regarding constitution of TVET Accreditation and Quality Evaluation Committee (TA&QEC), reforming, devising policies and enhancing quality standards of accreditation, devising the mechanism to charge free for accreditation process were discussed in the meeting. Further adoption of a unified format for certificates in technical and vocational stream and centralized verification system was also proposed in the meeting.

The members also agreed to develop international linkages and membership of NAC-TVS with well reputed international accreditation bodies to enhance its credibility globally and to create the employment opportunities of Pakistan skilled workforce in international job market.