Pakistan, Malasiya signed three agreements: FM Qureshi


PUTRAJAYA, FEB 04 (DNA) :  Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Tuesday has said that the prime ministers of Pakistan and Malaysia have discussed ways to convert the close mutual ties into bilateral economic strategic partnership.

In an interview, the minister said the two sides have exchanged views to enhance bilateral cooperation in various sectors, including trade, investment, tourism, engineering, and defence.

He said the two countries have also signed three agreements during the Prime Minister’s ongoing visit to Malaysia. They include extradition treaty for extradition of criminals and fugitives between the two countries and social protection agreement to provide social reliefs to the Pakistani labor class in Malaysia.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Pakistan’s remittances from Malaysia increased by thirty five percent during 2018-19 and about 1.55 billion dollars are being transferred to Pakistan.

He said the two sides also exchanged views about the recently held Kuala Lumpur Summit and the Prime Minister emphasized that Pakistan does not want to divide the Muslim countries but rather wants promotion of economic cooperation among them.