Govt would complete its constitutional tenure under PM’s leadership: Sheikh Rashid


Islamabad : Minister for Interior, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has said that the incumbent government would complete its constitutional tenure under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Talking to a private news channel, he said the opposition parties would remain failed to get public support against the government even after Eid ul Fitr because people are well aware about massive corruption of the opposition parties.

Sheikh Rashid said that doors should be opened for dialogue and expressed the hope that bitterness with opposition would reduce in days to come.

Replying to a question, the Interior Minister said there was no manifesto of defunct Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan except holding sit-ins and creating unrest in the country.

He said that those martyred during the protest demonstration of this outlawed religious party would be compensated under Shaheed Package.