Court hears Faryal Talpur’s plea seeking unfreezing of bank accounts


ISLAMABAD – An accountability court in Islamabad Tuesday heard Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Member Provincial Assembly (MPA) from Sindh Faryal Talpur’s plea seeking unfreezing of her bank accounts.

AC Judge Azam Khan conducted the hearing on the petition of Faryal Talpur – a suspect in the mega money laundering case. The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) could not submit its reply today.

The NAB prosecutor requested the accountability court to grant time for the submission of its answer. The plea was approved by the court.

Let it be known that Faryal Talpur had taken the stance in her appeal that no crime has been proven against her till date therefore her bank accounts should be unfrozen.

It is pertinent here to mention that the AC judge had summoned a report over Faryal Talpur’s frozen bank accounts today.