Pakistan advises India to ‘run away’ from Afghanistan


RAWALPINDI, July 11 (DNA): Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has
said that Pakistan would accept whatever decision Afghanistan makes
after the pullout of American troops, scorning Indian role in the Afghan
soil which it has used to organize terrorism against Pakistan.

He said India has left no option but to run away from Afghanistan.

Addressing a press conference in Rawalpindi, Sheikh Rasheed said peace
in Afghanistan is imperative for regional security.

He said Pakistan, being a responsible state, has always desired peace in
Afghanistan and would welcome any decision made by the Afghan people for
their homeland.

The Interior Minister said that Pakistan would agree to any decision
taken by Afghanistan. He said that Afghanistan had been fighting for
half of the century. “Now new and suave Taliban have emerged. These
Taliban do not sort things through gun barrel,” Mr Rashid said and added
that it was vital for the whole region to settle affairs with Taliban
through dialogue.

He urged the Kabul government and the Afghan Taliban to negotiate and
find out a solution to the conflict that is acceptable to all the
parties. “Taliban in Afghanistan now have changed,” the minister said
and added now they understand that peace can only be achieved through

He was of the opinion that no Chinese and Iranian investment could be
done without the restoration of peace in Afghanistan. The Uzbekistan
train project is linked with the peace in Afghanistan, he added.

The interior minister stated that it was Islamabad’s desire that there
would be peace in Afghanistan. He hoped that Afghanistan President
Ashraf Ghani, Abdullah Abdullah, former president Hamid Karzai and
Mullah Baradar became one.

Rashid foresaw Pakistan, China, Russia and Iran in a changed region.
“The situation in the region is going to be changed,” he added. He said
that India had become butt of a joke in the region. He said that India
had no choice but to retreat from Afghanistan.

“India has organized terrorism in Afghanistan against Pakistan and
disseminated false news to the world against Pakistan,” he stated.

He maintained that Pakistan stood with rest of the world on the issue of
peace in Afghanistan. He categorically denied to provide military/air
bases to any country against Afghanistan. He said Prime Minister Imran
Khan’s decision not to give bases was resolute. He said Pakistani nation
also wanted that we would not become a tool in this matter. He denied
any pressure on Pakistan in this regard.

Interior Minister Rashid stated that no superpower in the world could
condone Pakistan. He opined that the government and Pakistan Army
together would pave way for restoration of peace in Afghanistan.

On stranded people in Afghanistan, Mr Rashid said that vaccinated people
would be allowed to cross into Pakistan through Torkham border. He said
that Chaman and Torkham borders would remain open and FIA had been
directed in this regard.

On the forthcoming Azad Jammu and Kashmir general elections, the
interior minister predicted that Imran Khan was going to form government
in the AJK on July 25. He said that PM Khan would highlight the Kashmir
issue in the world.

On Maryam Nawaz’s election campaign in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, he
objected to the language she was using terming it irresponsible.

On Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s electioneering in AJK, he remarked he was
holding the CV of Mr Bilawal as the Bhutto scion was dear to him.

He was of the view that the day when the losing party conceded to its
defeat that day the democracy would be strengthened. He said only the
‘Bat’ symbol would get maximum votes in the elections.

Rashid said that the whole world knew how many bank accounts, the
opposition had opened.

He stated that Pak Army was the national Army of Pakistan and
Tehreek-i-Insaaf was the national party of Pakistan. He said all
political parties were with Pak Army. He maintained that all political
parties were agreed with the Army during its briefing in the National
Security Committee meeting a few days ago.

Predicting about the Azad Jammu and Kashmir elections, he said PTI will
form the upcoming government and PM Khan will highlight the Kashmir
issue at every forum.

He said Prime Minister Imran Khan is fighting the case of Indian
Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir in the entire world.

Replying to a question, the minister said Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz
(PML-N) Vice President Maryam Nawaz is giving irresponsible statements
and she needs to reconsider her approach. DNA
