Stable Afghanistan inevitable for regional peace: FM Qureshi


MULTAN, Aug 08 (DNA): Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Hussain on Sunday said that peaceful and stable Afghanistan was inevitable for peace in the region.

Addressing a workshop in the city, the foreign minister said Pakistan always stated that there was no military solution of Afghanistan conflict and advocated for a political, negotiated settlement among Afghan leaderships to resolve issue of the war-torn country.

However, some elements were playing role of spoiler to sabotage peace in the region, said Qureshi and added that we should remain highly vigilant on the elements who wanted to spoil regional peace.

Pakistan strongly condemned bid of demographic changes in the internationally recognized disputed areas, said FM Qureshi adding that Pakistan always honoured United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions for settlement of issues.

The foreign minister also stressed upon the need to take more steps to tackle rising trend of Islamophobia. No one should be allowed to hurt sentiments of nearly two billion Muslims, Qureshi mentioned and also stressed unity among Muslim Ummah to raise collective voice at global level.

He remarked that terrorism was a great threat for society. He said that the Pakistan’s armed forces and citizens rendered thousands of sacrifices.

Foreign Minister Qureshi said Pakistan was the most affected country through menace of the terrorism which was sponsored by India. Pakistan always condemned menace of terrorism whether it was from individuals, groups or states, he mentioned.

The foreign minister stated that Pakistan actively pursued comprehensive national action plan to abolish scourge of terrorism. Similarly, steps were also taken to discourage money laundering. Implementation of UNSC resolutions passed over long-standing issues was important for peace in the region and socio-economic uplift of people.

Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi also hailed South Punjab Multi-Stakeholders Working Group for maintaining and promoting peaceful environment in south Punjab. He stated that everybody should perform positive role to project soft image of the region.

On this occasion, federal parliamentary secretary on finance Zain Hussain Qureshi, Special Assistant to Punjab CM Javed Akhtar Ansari, provincial parliamentary secretary on human rights Mahinder Pall Singh also spoke and highlighted the importance of interfaith harmony.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Qureshi spent busy day. He offered Fateha on death of father of Saleem Taunisvi and father of PTI local leader Zulfiqar Dogar.