Aleem Khan, Jehangir Tareen groups stick to remove-Buzdar demand


LAHORE, Mar 12 (DNA): Two estranged Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)
groups – Aleem Khan Group and Jehangir Tareen Group – have agreed not to
back out from their demand of removal of Punjab Chief Minister Sardar
Usman Buzdar.

After Aleem Khan’s return from London on Friday night, the Jehangir Khan
group also become active and rushed to meet Aleem Khan at his house on

The Tareen group was led by Aun Chaudhry and Saeed Akbar Nawani was also
in the delegation. Ayesha Gul Chaudhry, Khalid Mahmood and Haroon Gul
were also among the visitors.

Besides discussing the prevailing political situation in the country,
both sides were also in agreement to intensify their political contacts.

Aleem Khan also informed the Tareen Group about his London visit.

Earlier, Aleem Khan returned to Lahore from Londonl. He landed in Lahore
late Friday night and is expected to attend a string of meetings today

Member of the Jehangir Tareen Group Aun Chaudhry will also call on Aleem
Khan today.

It may be mentioned here that Aleem Khan held a detailed meeting with
PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif in London. DNA
