Palestine and Pakistan Can Create Media Collaboration to Highlight the Importance of Global Human Dignity


*–* _ H.E. Ahmed Ameen Rabaie, Ambassador of Palestine._ _His Excellency Ahmed Ameen Rabaie, Ambassador of Palestine to Pakistan urges AGAHI Awards to Recognize Human Dignity to be the Core Value for Journalism._
*Islamabad, PK – 16 March 2022 –* His Excellency Ahmed Ameen Rabaie, Ambassador of Palestine in Pakistan met the founders of AGAHI Awards, Puruesh Chaudhary and Amir Jahangir here in Islamabad today at the Embassy of the State of Palestine. 
Ambassador Rabaie shared his thoughts on the role of journalism in highlighting the importance of human values and dignity. He especially emphasized that Human Rights and Freedom are the fundamental rights of any citizens of the state. 
Ambassador Rabaie appreciated the initiative to collaborate and work together for recognizing Human Rights and Values with AGAHI Awards and its initiatives. The AGAHI Awards in its 10th year will be celebrating more than 500 journalists from across Pakistan reporting in print, television, radio, and online mediums to be the winners of the Awards. The AGAHI Awards this year will have an umbrella theme of Human Rights and will be held on the Human Rights Day, 10th December 2022.  
The Ambassador expressed his desire to see more education related journalism efforts in Pakistan. He informed the the founders that more than 50,000 Palestinian students have gained their higher education from Pakistan, the students received their specializations in the fields of medicine, engineering, linguistics, public policy, and arts etc.
He presented the traditional Palestinian keffiyeh and embroidered shawl along with the traditional key and flag to the founders.AGAHI Awards are focused on enhancing the collective consciousness of a society that enables professional ethics of objective journalism, bolstered by social responsibility theory; and ethics to strengthen human values.
“AGAHI Awards” are an annual series of journalism awards to build the appreciation mechanism for journalists in Pakistan. Inaugurated on March 28th, 2012, the AGAHI Awards are an annual series of journalism awards in Pakistan. These are Pakistan’s first ever journalism awards recognizing the best journalists across print, television, radio, and the internet. The Awards recognize more than 60 journalists on different thematic verticals. AGAHI and Mishal Pakistan organize these awards in collaboration with leading press clubs across the country, local and international media development bodies, regulatory authorities, and the private sector.The AGAHI Awards have been the foremost media development initiative for media and journalism in the country. The awards have identified some of the most talented and diligent journalists in the industry. The winners have now acquired decision-making and leadership positions in the industry for “Shaping the Future of Journalism” in Pakistan.
This year, the AGAHI Awards 2022 is creating new journalism beats and categories to make journalism in Pakistan more diverse and inclusive. The new categories will be included by critically analyzing media discourse for the past 12 months with an objective to create appreciation for the key challenges and opportunities reported by the media.