Attiya Munawar

The whole world is being affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This war has not started suddenly, but has been started deliberately. The United States forced Russia to invade Ukraine. The effects of this war have to do with Ukraine and all countries belonging to Russia but instead of ending this war the US is intensifying it. The United States has warned China that if it helped Russia, it would have “severe consequences”, but for now Ukraine with most countries around the world suffering the consequences.

It is clear that Russia-Ukraine war is not a war of ordinary countries, but a war between global thugs, however China is not a typical country, yet the United States is threatening China. The United States is deliberately pointing fingers at China, a major power, so that China can help Russia and give the United States a mere chance to wreak havoc. China understands the US conspiracy assuredly, so at the moment Chinese diplomats have given a diplomatic response but china will definitely help Russia and the whole world will have to suffer because of the US.

The world, on the one hand, is suffering the war and economic consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and on the other hand, there are consequences that everyone is silent on. As soon as Russia ambushed Ukraine, the world began to see that it was becoming impossible for people to leave Ukraine, a few thousand people from Pakistan would also be there, the news of which was also very much exposed as a result of which the impression was created all over the world that now once again refugees crisis is brewing. Refugees from Syria, Iraq and other Islamic countries are protesting around the world, but their borders are being closed while Israel has not only sent special planes to bring Jewish refugees from Ukraine, but also Jewish immigrants are also being invited to settle in their homeland.

The duplicitous attitude of the world is not hidden from anyone. On one side, there are the ravages of war and on the other side, there is a race to achieve one’s own interests. Now it remains to be seen what interests the United States has in spreading this war and who is working with the United States. The United States wants to continue the war in the world because it is conducive to its armament factories, the United States has the same agenda behind the Russia-Ukraine war but with this US agenda, Israel is also stating the existence of a hardline Zionist state. No one has yet acknowledged this claim but no one has openly denied it.

 No Muslim country in the world has the guts to declare its acceptance of Muslims as a result of atrocities, but Israel is announcing that Israel is ready to gladly accommodate Jews from all over the world. Because he will evacuate some Palestinian settlement and settle immigrant Jews there and in return for the favor of the state of Israel, these Jews will also support the government in its atrocities against Muslims. Israel is making its will public and the world is silent. While the heads of the Muslim countries are also covered with filth and no one can see anything.

The Islamic world remains silent as much as it wants, but Pakistan should openly announce its measures for the Muslims of India and Kashmir. The OIC meeting is being held in Pakistan. There should be a resolution in this OIC meeting as well.If Islamic countries wake up from their slumber and raise one voice then the world will also be attracted, otherwise Israel and India will continue to follow their own whims and no one will be able to stop them.

One of the many facets of the Ukraine-Russia conflict is that the economies of the weaker countries will be squeezed out, so there will be no possibility of any resistance from them in the future. The improvement lies in the fact that whether direct or indirect parties should prefer world peace to interestsand to fulfill their obligation to resolve this issue through negotiations to end this protracted conflict and save the world from impending catastrophe.