A Big Concern: Rising Poverty In Pakistan


Laiba Ihsan

Poverty is a state in which a person or community lacks the financial resources to cope with day-to-day expenses.It means that the income level from employment is so low that basic human needs cannot be met. Some years ago, many countries weredealingwith poverty but aftergradual remedial measures bydevelopingcountries, they managed to decrease poverty. When a country increases its production level and works on its political issues and economic development, poverty is controlled.

In Pakistan, poverty rose to over 5% in 2020.In 2021,poverty in Pakistan was39.2% which decreased to 37.9% in 2022 as estimated by the World Bank. The Agricultural and production sectors of Pakistan has the  potential to grow and help in creating new job opportunities and these sectors need to be heavily worked on by Government and people.

Majority of population can’t afford University education as it is very expensive and they don’t have money.Gender discrimination in rural areas create conference for female education. Education is the most important part of a nationas it helps in thinking diverse and productive. Our country needs creative, educated  and optimistic.In Pakistan, people faceissues of conflict, instability, inequality, or social injustice.

Pakistan needs to work on its agricultural potential with optimism and persistenceand making education a priority by reserving more budget can help us cope with poverty.The creation of strict rules, regulations, and laws can help. Islam is a beautiful religion and it has suggested beautiful ways to cope with every issue like zakat and fair opportunities to decrease poverty. We need to work as a nation by lifting each other.  Let’s try to play our part, it will make a difference one day.