No early morning take-offs, landings at Lahore’s Allama Iqbal International Airport


The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has imposed a ban on landing and take-off from Lahore’s Allama Iqbal International Airport during morning hours due to increasing bird-hit incidents.

The CAA said that there will be ban on landing and take-off from 5am to 8am. Landings during these hours will only be allowed in case of an emergency.

The decision has been taken due to the increasing cases of bird strikes near the airport.

CAA spokesperson said that a notification has been sent to all the airlines. The ban, which will come into effect from July 11, will be applicable for next two months.

In last three weeks, four cases of bird strike have been reported.

On June 11, a private airliner on Saturday made an emergency landing in Lahore shortly after takeoff due to a midair snag, Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) officials confirmed.

The Boeing-738 was carrying 184 passengers and took off from the Allama Iqbal International Airport in Lahore at 1:10pm, Saturday.

Eight minutes later, the Dubai-bound flight narrowly escaped an accident after a bird hit the aircraft while it was flying at an altitude of 900 feet.

As a result, the captain requested to land after experiencing some problems in controlling the aircraft. “Emergency landing protocols were activated at the airport but were not needed as the plane made a safe landing back,” a CAA official told. The official shared the information on the condition they remain anonymous since they were not authorized to speak to the media.