Financial crisis deepens at MOFA


Visa amount being used to run daily affairs

Special Correspondent

ISLAMABAD, The financial crisis has intensified in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs due to the shortage of foreign currency.

According to official sources, payments in foreign currency to all the embassies have been stopped. The Ministry of Finance did not approve the payments due to the shortage of the foreign exchange reserves.

Most of the diplomats live in rented residences. They have received eviction notices for the non-payment of rent. Due to the notices to vacate the residences, there is a great anxiety among the diplomats. Most of the embassies have stopped all important works due to the lack of funds. The Ministry of Finance has said that the payments should be
stopped for the time being.

According to diplomatic sources, the foreign missions are catering to their day to day needs from amount collected on account of visa services. But those missions are in real trouble where proceeds obtained from the visa services are quite low.

Sources say, many foreign missions have not been able to pay to the local staff, which is earning a bad name for the country.