Aggression left us with no option but to respond


Ambassador of Azerbaijan Ali Alizada thanks Pakistan for support; speakers highlight valiant struggle of Azerbaijani armed forces

Shujaat Hamza/DNA

ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of Azerbaijan, Ali Alizada has thanked Pakistan govt and people of Pakistan for whole-heartedly supporting Azerbaijan on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh.

He expressed these views while speaking on the occasion of seminar organized by Measac Research Institute (MRC) on Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, military and political resolution in collaboration with the Embassy of Azerbaijan.

Message of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev was also screened on the occasion. The Azerbaijan president described events that led to war and how Armenian aggression left Azerbaijan with no option but to go into war to defend its territories.

Ali Alizada praised the organizers and speakers. He talked about the latest provocations, aggression and war crimes of Armenia against Azerbaijan, and the successful peace enforcement operation and victory of Azerbaijan on this conflict.

He thanked Pakistan for the political and moral support extended for the just cause of Azerbaijan. Diplomats and opinion makers applauded this intellectual activity within bounds of COVID -19 environment.

Mohammad Abdullah Hamid Gul Director General Measac Research Centre (MRC) introduced the subject. Seminar was attended by Ambassadors and diplomats of Islamic countries, retired Generals and Brigadiers. Brigadier (R) Abdul Rahman Bilal, analyzed all salient facets. Senator Talha Mahmud covered the humanitarian aspect of the conflict. The country of Azerbaijan liberated its occupied territories from Armenia.


Arsalan Ayaz was the mediator of proceeding who thanked the participants from different walks of life for their active participation and value inputs in the discussion.  On this occasion defense experts including , General ( R) Amjad Shoaib, Gen ( R) Asad Duranj , Maj Gen Shamriaz, Brig (r) Asif Haroon Raja, media analyst Dr. Shahid Masood ,  Dr. Zafar Jaspal, were also present.