AIOU announces schedule for online workshops of BS and B Ed programs


Islamabad, JUN 13 /DNA/ – Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has announced workshop schedule for BS, B Ed programs, and Associate degree programs. These workshops will start on June 27.

These workshops will be conducted online through the university’s Aaghi Learning Management System (LMS). Login information (username & password) has been shared with the students and they are instructed to participate in these workshops through Aaghi portal.

All those students who have not received their username and password are instructed to contact their nearest AIOU regional office.It is pertinent to mention here that university has digitized its system and now all the students submit their assignments online.

Classes and workshops of face-to-face programs are being conducted online through Aagahi portal. The campus management system (CMS) is being used for new enrollment, tutor information, roll number slips, results, and date sheets. Students can apply for degree through CMS. Directorate of Public Relations.

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