Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan pledge cooperation in education and business

Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan pledge cooperation in education and business

BAKU: The reputation of Azerbaijan has increased in Central Asia, especially since the 44-day War. The visits of presidents of Central Asian countries to Azerbaijan confirm it. Besides, many common values unite Azerbaijan and Central Asian countries such as religion, and belonging to the same language families.

In addition, Azerbaijan and Central Asian countries are represented in the same several international organizations, such as CIS, TURKPA, and so on. Furthermore, Central Asian countries expressed solidarity with Azerbaijan and supported Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. Even Central Asian Turkic countries went further and financed the construction of schools in Azerbaijan’s liberated lands which had been under Armenian occupation for thirty years.

The visit of Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov to Azerbaijan, which started on April 24, is a perfect example of the friendship and fraternity between the two states. The relations between the two nations date back hundreds of years, and it started with merchants hundreds of years ago then evolved into political relations in the last century. It is worth noting that Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan had fraternal relations even during the Soviet Union. Currently, up to 20,000 Azerbaijanis live in Kyrgyzstan. They are closely involved in the socio-political life of Kyrgyzstan. Most of the Azerbaijanis living in Kyrgyzstan are those who were exiled from Azerbaijan during the repressions of the 1930s and their children. Representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora in Kyrgyzstan actively participate in the country’s business and other sectors of the economy. Azerbaijanis mainly live in the cities of Bishkek, Talas, and Kara-Balta. Despite living apart from their historical homeland, Azerbaijanis living in Kyrgyzstan have preserved their language and customs.

Today, under the presidencies of Ilham Aliyev and Sadyr Japarov these relations developed further and the said visit will strengthen the relations much further. As Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said “In principle, the work on strengthening interaction between our countries has never stopped. The relevant ministries and agencies are in constant contact, actively cooperate, and hold regular consultations.”

Needless to say, the main topic of the discussion between the sides which many focused was the Azerbaijani-Kyrgyz Development Fund. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev touched on the issue in his speech and noted that the issue of the Fund had been discussed, a lot of applications from business people who want to take advantage of these opportunities. The President noted that this will be an important tool for cooperation in the sphere of investments.

Besides, the sides discussed energy cooperation, as well. The Azerbaijani President emphasized that there is immense potential for Kyrgyzstan and an interest of Azerbaijani companies to work in the field of renewable energy.

“Of course, in order to enrich our ties with even more content, we will also actively cooperate in the transportation sector in the future. Because both Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan are implementing large infrastructure projects in the transportation sector, and joining and coordinating our actions are extremely important for the opening of new corridors and creation of new transport arteries,” Ilham Aliyev said.

One of the main memorable aspects of the visit of the Kyrgyz President to Azerbaijan was the unveiling monument to Chingiz Aitmatov in Baku. In his speech at the unveiling ceremony of the monument, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev called the ceremony a significant day in the history of brotherly relations between Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan.

“We are unveiling a monument to the great son of the Kyrgyz people, Chingiz Aitmatov. I am sure that it will serve as yet another symbol of our friendship, our brotherhood and our unity,” the President noted.

Ilham Aliyev spoke about the visit of Chingiz Aitmatov to Baku and noted that they had met and conversed during the visit.

“People in Azerbaijan loved his works and respected him as a person for his active civic position, national spirit and attachment to his roots. I remember that he visited Azerbaijan shortly before his demise and I had the opportunity to meet and had a lengthy conversation with him on many issues. On that day, I presented to him a high order of the Azerbaijani state, the “Dostlug” order, as a sign of respect and in recognition of his merits in strengthening our relations. He has always been on the side of justice,” Ilham Aliyev noted.

In the end, Azerbaijani President congratulated the Azerbaijani and Kyrgyz people on this significant occasion. He noted that the monument to Chingiz Aitmatov in Baku will symbolize our unity, friendship, and fraternity.

“And I would also like to note that I am sure that the entire Turkic world is proud of its worthy representative and the only thing we all regret about, of course, is that he passed away too early. And nothing foreshadowed that. As I have already mentioned, I met him in Baku shortly before his passing, just a few months before, and he was full of energy as always and looked good. He told me about his plans. It was 2008, but I remember it as if it were yesterday.

Once again, I congratulate all of us and say the words welcome again – Welcome, distinguished Mr. President. I am sure that the friendship and brotherhood between Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan, between our peoples will be eternal,” President Ilham Aliyev concluded.