BEOE cancelled 807 licences of OEPs due to public complaints


ISLAMABAD, Nov 28 (APP/DNA):Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment (BEOE), an attached department of Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development (OP&HRD) have canceled 807 licences of Overseas Employment Promoters (OEPs) due to the public complaints.

An official source told APP here on Thursday, he said that 5104 OEPs were registered with BEOE 2760 valid, 832 surrendered, 9 invalid and 668 expired.

He said that BEOE was working very efficiently to provide maximum relief and support to the citizen of the country.

He said that the main function of this department is to control and regulate emigration under the Emigration Ordinance, 1979, and promote the Emigration of Pakistani Citizens.

It is also the responsibility to look after the emigrants’ interests and welfare and advise the Federal Government on emigration policies and procedures.

Monitoring and supervision of Overseas Employment Promoters through 7 Protectorates of Emigrants Offices and Processing of Overseas Employment Promoters (OEP) Licences, he added.

BEOE also provides the platform for pre-departure briefing to Emigrants and mandatory Insurance coverage to Pakistani workers abroad.
Memorandum of Understating (MoU) with foreign countries for export of manpower and management of State Life Emigrants Insurance Fund (SLEIF) were the main functions of this department.

He said that BEOE has advised the foreign job-seekers to only reach out to the valid Overseas Employment Promoters to avert any loss of time, money, and their energies.

He said there were only 2739 Overseas Employment Promoters (OEP) licenses that were valid as more than 8 licenses had been pronounced invalid.

Out of the invalid OEPs, the licenses of some 680 were canceled on various grounds while 807 expired and the rest had surrendered.
They said all foreign job-seekers must visit the official webpage of BEOE regularly to get fresh and valid information and protect themselves from unauthorized OEPs.

The officials said that the BEOE was mandated to regulate emigration under the Emigration Ordinance, of 1979, promote the Emigration of Pakistani citizens, and look after the interests and welfare of the emigrants.

Among other functions, the BEOE had been advising the Federal Government on emigration policies and procedures, monitoring and

supervising Overseas Employment Promoters through 7 Protectorates of Emigrants Offices, processing Overseas Employment Promoters (OEP) Licences, and giving pre-departure briefings to emigrants.