Centralized Test for CS & IT Graduates Conducted in 27 Cities

Centralized Test for CS & IT Graduates Conducted in 27 Cities


Islamabad, Jan 17: The computer-based Centralized Test for CS & IT Graduates was successfully conducted in 27 cities of Pakistan in collaboration with the Virtual University.

A total of 9241 students from 190 universities participated in the test for which 61 test centers were established. The test was conducted in 948 sessions at specified venues.

This is part of an academia-industry co- opt programme to promote and facilitate the placement of talented CS and IT students in the industry to acquire hands-on experience on latest technologies for better job opportunities in local and international market.

The stakeholders involved in the initiative include Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC), Ministry of IT and Telecom (MoITT), Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB), Pakistan IT Industry Association (P@SHA), National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC) and Higher Education Commission.