Special Correspondent
ISLAMABAD: CEO Serena Hotels South and East Asia Aziz Boolani hosted a reception for the outgoing Ambassador of Switzerland Benedict Cerjat and Deputy Head of Mission Jordan Dr. Maen.
While talking about the Ambassador of Switzerland Aziz Boolani said that the outgoing diplomat had contributed greatly towards promotion of bilateral relations between Pakistan and Switzerland.
Boolani admired Ambassador Benedict’s love for Pakistan and people of Pakistan. He especially praised the way the ambassador had project the positive image of Pakistan, through his writings and the social media tools.

Ambassador Benedict in his speech thanked Aziz Boolani for hosting him and providing him with a chance of meeting with his friends. He said back home he was considered as the Ambassador of Pakistan. “One day when I was visiting my headquarters, I came across my boss who abruptly asked me, are you Pakistan’s ambassador or Switzerland ambassador”.
Dr. Maen, the outgoing DHM of Jordan, also thanked the hosts for arranging the luncheon. He said it was a great experience while working in Pakistan adding he had found Pakistani people cordial and loving.
The host later presented souvenirs to the outgoing envoys.