Chairman JKSM Altaf Ahmed Bhat highlights plight of Kashmiri children

Chairman JKSM Altaf Ahmed Bhat highlights plight of Kashmiri children

Islamabad, Nov 20, /DNA/ – In observance of World Children’s Day, Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement Altaf Ahmed Bhat brings attention to the distressing conditions faced by Kashmiri children as a consequence of the Indian occupation in the region.

Chairman Bhat underscores the urgent need for the international community to recognize and address the profound challenges endured by the youngest residents of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Alarming statistics reveal the toll on Kashmiri children, with over 900 children among the 96,263 people martyred during the last 34 years in IIOJK. Shockingly, more than 1,07,924 children have been orphaned by Indian troops since 1989. Additionally, hundreds of Kashmiri children have lost their eyesight due to the firing of pellets by Indian troops, amplifying the humanitarian crisis in the region.

Chairman Bhat condemns the practice of Indian troops arresting and torturing children during so-called Cordon and Search Operations (CASOs), emphasizing that such actions constitute a gross violation of human rights. He points out that children in IIOJK are enduring lasting trauma from witnessing the killing of their loved ones in front of their eyes, a devastating consequence of the Indian military occupation.

The prolonged military presence has also significantly impacted the physical and psychological health of Kashmiri children, casting a dark shadow over their formative years. Chairman Altaf Ahmed Bhat urges the global community to remember the plight of IIOJK children on World Children’s Day and stresses the importance of holding India accountable for its non-compliance with international conventions on children’s rights in the region.

In a call to action, Chairman Bhat urges the Modi regime to uphold international obligations for the promotion and protection of the rights of children in IIOJK. He implores the international community to exert pressure on India to address the grave concerns surrounding the well-being of Kashmiri children.

Chairman Bhat further said that, Israel’s actions continue to raise serious concerns, as it appears to engage in egregious crimes against humanity without facing consequences. The stark evidence of these transgressions is evident in the deliberate killing of over 5000 Palestinian children, marking a disturbing record in comparison to recent conflicts. On this World Children’s Day, it prompts reflection within the international community. The sorrowful silence surrounding Israel’s claimed “right to self-defense” juxtaposed with the ongoing daily massacres of innocent Palestinian children is both troubling and heart-wrenching.

On this World Children’s Day, Chairman JKSM Altaf Ahmed Bhat calls on the world, UN, P5 and EU to stand in solidarity with the innocent lives affected in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine, emphasizing the imperative of securing a better and safer future for children all around the world.