China Offers Full Support To Pakistani Business Community


Karachi : H.E. NongRong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China along with Mr. Li Bijian, Consul General of China at Karachi along with his team visited the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

The meeting took note of various subjects pertaining to economic relationship between Pakistan and China particularly in reference to China Pakistan Economic Corridor and China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement.

H.E. shared his views with the house regarding the upcoming online business portal of Chinese Government which will be a good opportunity for Pakistani business community to get easily connected with their Chinese counterparts. H.E. extended his full support not only of his Embassy at Islamabad but also at Consul General Office at Karachi to the business community particularly to the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The President FPCCI requested His Excellency in emphasizing strong and constants mutual efforts to eliminate negative air against CPEC and the bilateral trade. He also suggested that China should focus on investing in the people of Pakistan by giving access to Chinese market. President FPCCI also on this occasion expressed sincerest gratitude to the government of China for donating Covid-19 vaccines to Pakistan.

During the discussion made in the meeting, MianAnjumNisar, Immediate Past President FPCCI requested the Excellency to extend support to Pakistani business community in transferring technical knowledge in the field of agriculture.

Sheikh JawaidIlyas, Chairman of Pak-China Business Council pointed out the imbalance in the bilateral trade which is heavily in favor of China. He also encouraged the embassy to coordinate with the Federation in identifying relocation of Chinese industries in Pakistan especially in the new economic zones that have been identified for Chinese investment under the second phase of CPEC.

He also emphasized the need for the creation of Pak-China Joint Dispute Resolution Committee for smooth and easy resolution of problems that may arise during the bilateral trade. He also appreciated the strong support extended by the Consul General of China at Karachi to the business community in Sindh and Baluchistan provinces of Pakistan.

The meeting was attended by a large number of prominent businessmen and representatives of different trade bodies including Mr. HanifLakhany, Vice President FPCCI, Ch. SaleemBhullar, Vice President FPCCI, Mr. ZakariaUsman, Former President FPCCI, Former Vice Presidents Mr. KhurramSaeed, Sh. Sultan Rehman& Mr. Qurban Ali, Mr. Amjad Rafi Former President KCCI and many others.