COMSTECH announces award winners of year 2019



ISLAMABAD, OCT 7 – COMSTECH confers awards biennially in ‘Basic Sciences’ and in ‘Excellence in Science and Technology’ to recognize outstanding research work carried out by scientists who are citizen of, and working in, OIC member states.

In the category of basic sciences, awards are given in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. COMSTECH confers awards in two fields alternating biennially. Each award carries a cash prize of US$5000, a shield of honor and certificate.

Basic sciences award of the year 2019, in the field of Mathematics won by Prof. Khalil Ezzinbi of Morocco and Dr. Sajad Jafri of Iran jointly, and Prof. Amer Iqbal of Pakistan won the award in Physics in this category.

Best young researcher award, best scientific book award, best research paper award and the award for patent are conferred under the category of excellence in science and technology.

The award of the year 2019 in the category of best young researcher won by Dr. Shafaqat Ali of Pakistan, best scientific book won by Prof. Ali Akhaddar of Morocco, and the patent award won jointly by Prof. Salman Alrokayan of Saudi Arabia and Prof. Sepideh Khoee of Iran.

Best research paper award, in biology won by Dr. Hammad Naveed of Pakistan, in Chemistry won by Prof. Farid Harraz of Egypt, in Mathematics won by Prof. Utkir A. Rozikov of Uzbekistan, and in Physics won by Dr. Seyed Hossein Hendi of Iran.

Awards for best researcher, best scientific book and the award for patent carry a cash prize of US$ 3000 whereas the best research paper award carries a cash prize of US$ 2000 along with a certificate and a shield of honor.