Constitution Day of Belarus, Pakistan Resolution Day celebrated


ISLAMABAD, MAR 17 /DNA/ – To celebrate the Constitution Day of Belarus and the Pakistan Resolution Day, the Ambassador of Pakistan hosted an event for media personnel at the Embassy Residence on 16 March 2023. The event was attended by personnel from both radio and TV media, including Belteleradio, Belarus 1 TV channel, Belarus 2 TV channel, ONT TV channel, BELTA news agency, and others.

The purpose of the event was to celebrate the positive trajectory of bilateral relations between Pakistan and Belarus and to strengthen cultural ties between the two countries.

During the event, a short documentary on Pakistan was featured, showcasing the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of the country. A quiz was also conducted to test the participants’ knowledge of Pakistan, and the winners were awarded prizes.

A few guests performed Belarusian and Urdu songs during the event, highlighting the beauty and diversity of the two cultures. Additionally, the guests also indulged in the recitation of Belarusian poetry along with its Urdu translation, providing a better understanding of the similarities and differences between the two languages.
The guests were also offered select Pakistani cuisine, which included a variety of traditional dishes.

During the event, the media representatives expressed their readiness to play their role in further cementing relations between the two countries. They appreciated the efforts made by the Embassy of Pakistan in bringing the two cultures closer and hoped that such events would continue in the future.

The Embassy of Pakistan is committed to promoting cultural and economic ties between the two countries and will continue to work towards strengthening the relationship between the two countries.